Flexible Alcea Software Modules

Alcea offers additional modules that can be added to the base system to provide increased functionality.

Database Module

Alcea was created as a stand alone solution for quick and painless installations on customer sites. The base model incorporates a built-in web server and flat file storage system which allows it to be installed anywhere in just minutes. As the base model of Alcea has matured, it has gained widespread acceptance as a robust and flexible tool. However, we have acknowledged that a flat file system is not always the desired method for data storage. In addition, there are a number of third party tools available with database extensions for graphing and reporting. We have developed a Database Module that allows database storage on any JDBC compliant database.

LDAP Module

LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) allows a common set of information to be stored in one centralized location, rather than have the same information distributed in an uncontrolled manner over multiple locations for each application. The Alcea LDAP module allows you to control the following information in a central LDAP location:

  1. Passwords for authentication
  2. User types (readonly, admin, normal)
  3. Alcea security groups
  4. Email addresses

Alcea will auto-create a user if they authenticate correctly within LDAP, and it can be set to synchronize all users between Alcea and LDAP.

Controls are in place for creating all users within your system at the push of a button, or as scheduled in the Alcea ldap.cfg file.